Equestrian Building Terms & Conditions
1.1 Cancellation - you have the right to cancel your order 14 days from the date you paid your deposit payment – unless condition 1.6 is apparent.
1.2 Payment of your deposit is deemed as acceptance of the full terms and conditions detailed.
1.3 Minimum deposit payment for equestrian buildings is £150 or 20% of the order value if over £150.
1.4 Your deposit payment will be refunded if you cancel within 14 days from the date of your deposit payment except where condition 1.6 has substituted condition 1.4.
1.5 Your deposit payment is non-refundable on cancellation if cancelled after 14 days as HAYMAC will have allocated time and resource in processing your order, materials will have been ordered and works programmes produced.
1.6 If you agree to a collection, delivery or installation date inside of 14 days from your deposit payment date you will have agreed to waive your right to cancellation deposit refund. You may be asked to pay in full at the time of order - on cancellation your full payment is not fully refundable, see condition 1.9.
1.7 Payment in full is required prior to collection, delivery or delivery and installation. Please ensure that your final payment is received with 7 clear working days prior to the original date given for collection, delivery or delivery and installation. Payment in full includes any and all outstanding costs attributed to your account. For non-payment after 7 days of due collection, delivery or installation date you will have been deemed to have cancelled your purchase. See item 1.5.
1.8 HAYMAC will not release your purchase for collection, delivery or delivery and installation unless all account balances are paid in full. FAILURE TO SETTLE YOUR ACCOUNT MAY RESULT IN ADDITIONAL DEBT RECOVERY COSTS. See condition 1.18.
1.9 Once you have made your final payment you will not receive a full refund should you choose to cancel your order. For standard products you will receive 50% of the original total product value as a refund for cancellation after full payment has been made. This standard product 50% refund does not include any additional costs that have been attributed to your account, these additional costs will be deducted from your refund balance. Bespoke product refund will be 30% of the original total product value as a refund for cancellation after full payment has been made. This bespoke product 30% refund does not include any additional costs that have been attributed to your account, these additional costs will be deducted from your refund balance.
1.10 When placing your order you will be given an approximate date for collection, delivery or delivery with installation, this date will be in terms of approximate weeks from your deposit payment date. The date you will have been given is subject to constraints outside of our control. Periods of high winds and rain do not allow us to install or deliver most of our equestrian buildings with it being too dangerous to lift and move large panels. For this reason the approximate date you have been given may be subject to change.
1.11 If HAYMAC need to change the date given for collection, delivery or delivery and installation due to bad weather causing us delays HAYMAC will contact you at least 7 days prior to the approximate date given where practicable. HAYMAC reserve the right to change the delivery and install date on the day of delivery or install of your building if high winds and heavy rain are apparent or forecast for that day. Please understand that this date may again be changed due to further bad weather conditions.
1.12 The specification of the building ordered (standard products only) will be as our specification detailed on our company website for your product www.HAYMAC-goodwithwood.co.uk.
1.13 HAYMAC accepts no liability or responsibility for purchaser or non HAYMAC installed buildings regarding but not limited to leaking roofs, walls, windows, doors or structure failure in any way.
1.14 HAYMAC accepts no liability or responsibility for any injury or loss caused by purchaser or third party installation, damage or failure of any part of the installed building due to high winds, severe weather conditions, missuse, animal damage, fire, vandalism, theft, towing or moving the building and general user/installer error.
1.15 HAYMAC offers 12 months warranty from the date of purchase for HAYMAC workmanship and material defect where the product is used for its original designated intension by the original purchaser, no warrantee is offered or implied by HAYMAC (outside of supplier material defect) for equestrian building roofing. No warranty is offered or implied for any part of the building once towed or moved in any way from its original position. Moving your building from it’s original installation position nullifies your HAYMAC warranty.
1.16 Buildings deemed mobile with timber skids (for planning authority purposes only) are mobile only for short distances in straight lines. Should you wish to navigate a corner or bend, the building should be adequately strutted to prevent collapse or twisting and additional assistance given in turning the building around any corner. For a fully mobile unit, please purchase a metal galvanised skid.
1.17 HAYMAC accepts no liability or responsibility for the requirement or permission of any local authority or governmental planning consent required for your timber building installation. Please make sure you have all permissions from any relevant authority or land owner to install your new building prior to purchase.
1.18 HAYMAC will store your building for 14 days from the date that you have been given for collection, delivery, installation or building return to HAYMAC (due to aborted delivery or installation) without charge only if the original account balance is paid in full. If HAYMAC have extended this date (see conditions 1.10 & 1.11) the new extended date should be used for the purpose of condition 1.18. If you fail to complete your agreed transaction within the agreed 14 day period HAYMAC reserve the right to charge an extended storage fee of £18.00 plus VAT (at applicable rate) per day or part there-of for additional storage time to a maximum of 28 days. After the 28 day extended storage period has ended and payment in full for the extended storage period has not been received (by day 29) and you have not requested to extend your storage period in writing to HAYMAC, you will have been deemed to have cancelled your order and forfeited your purchase without the right for full refund of your purchase costs, see condition 1.9. The first extended storage period may be extended for a second single further 14 day period at £18 plus VAT (at applicable rate) per day or part there-of on full payment of the first 28 day extended storage period and a request to extend your extended storage period made in writing to HAYMAC 7 days prior to the end of the first 28 day period. HAYMAC will not extend your storage beyond the second 14 day period. Failure to settle all payments outstanding on your account at the end of your 2nd extended storage period (by day 15) and complete the original transaction, you will have been deemed to have cancelled your order and forfeited your purchase without the right for a full refund of your purchase costs. On forfeiture of your purchase, HAYMAC reserve the right to claim the extended additional storage fee at their discretion. IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO PAY EXTENDED STORAGE PLEASE CANCEL YOUR PURCHASE IN WRITING TO HAYMAC WITHIN THE ALLOCATED 14 DAY FREE STORAGE PERIOD – you will need to pay any outstanding account balance on cancellation to avoid additional debt recovery costs. For cancellation after payment in full see condition 1.9.
1.19 Delivery only buildings are driver only deliveries made to a road side location or hard standing yard only. Delivery only buildings will not be delivered to off road locations as the vehicle used is road use only.
1.20 For delivery only buildings PLEASE MAKE SURE DIRECT ACCESS TO THE DELIVERY SITE IS CLEAR AND UNHINDERED FOR A 3.5 Tonne truck with a 20ft bed or 4x4 truck and 20ft trailer. It is your responsibility to ensure ground and access conditions are suitable for delivery prior to HAYMAC arriving on site. Our delivery vehicle cannot cross wet & soft/boggy ground, any access gates must have a sufficient turning circle for a 4x4 truck with 20ft trailer - note the combined length of the vehicle and trailer is near to 40ft long. Tight 90° turns cannot be made. Entrance gate minimum width of 10ft/3.0m is required with an adequate turning circle to the
gate. Should you fail to provide suitable access for the delivery and offload of your building, our driver will return with your building to our works and HAYMAC will arrange for a rescheduled delivery date at additional cost. See condition 1.23, 1.24.
1.21 For delivery only buildings you will need to provide a minimum of one suitable person (2 is better) to assist the delivery driver with offloading your building, should you fail to provide suitable additional personnel to assist with the offload of your building, our driver will return with your building to our works and HAYMAC will arrange for a rescheduled delivery date at additional cost.
1.22 For delivery only buildings HAYMAC can provide additional staff to offload your delivery only building at additional cost if you cannot provide the necessary additional personnel for the offload. Please contact HAYMAC for the cost of this additional resource prior to delivery.
1.23 If HAYMAC are unsuccessful at delivering your building due to conditions 1.19, 1.20, 1.21, 1.27, 1.28 not being adhered to you will not receive a refund for your delivery costs and will be asked to pay for another delivery when the above delivery conditions have been met and delivery can be made again. See condition 1.24 for return of building to HAYMAC costs.
1.24 If your building has to be returned to our works for reasons out of our control you will be charged a £90 HAYMAC yard off load fee. You will not receive a refund for your aborted delivery cost or installation costs. The £90 fee will also allow for 14 days of storage awaiting your agreement for a second delivery or installation attempt at additional cost. For costs associated with longer than 14 days of storage please see condition 1.18.
1.25 If you cannot meet the delivery or installation conditions you will be asked to arrange for collection of your building from our works yourself or arrange an alternative delivery address (within 14 days of the original delivery or installation date or building return date and on payment of the £90 HAYMAC yard off load fee – if applicable - and any additional storage or associated fees - see condition 1.8. You have the choice to pay for a second delivery to new location at a cost given to you by HAYMAC. You will not receive a full refund for your building at this stage should you wish to cancel your order. After 14 days your account will be charged a fixed extended storage fee in line with condition 1.18.
1.26 The site you have chosen for installation must be flat and level to allow your building to be erected. Please allow a minimum of 2ft extra on the length and width on the building you have purchased with regards to preparing or choosing a level and flat site for your building. HAYMAC will always attempt to install your building as long as the ground conditions allow. Ground that is uneven and out of level can still have your building installed but the building may not be able to be installed to our standard, should you wish to proceed you will need to confirm with the HAYMAC office staff that you are happy to proceed but you will have waived your warranty rights in total - you will need to sign your invoice along with one of our site operatives to state that you have agreed to this non-standard installation.
1.27 Delivery and installation cannot be made if the ground conditions are unsafe or unsuitable (for whatever reason) for our delivery vehicle or staff. This decision will be made by the HAYMAC site operative and their decision is final. For aborted delivery or installation costs see conditions 1.24, 1.18.
1.28 It is your responsibility to ensure ground and access conditions are suitable for delivery and installation to any off road site prior to HAYMAC arriving on site. Our delivery/installation vehicle cannot cross wet & soft/boggy ground (HAYMAC use a 4x4 Land Rover 110 with trailer for delivery to off road locations which is a very capable off road vehicle for normal conditions), any access gate must have a sufficient turning circle for a 4x4 truck with 20ft trailer - note the combined length of the vehicle and trailer is near to 40ft long. Tight 90° turns cannot be made. Entrance gate minimum width of 10ft/3.0m is required with an adequate turning circle to
the gate. If you find that the ground has become too wet and boggy for our delivery or installation please contact us a minimum of 7 days prior to your delivery or installation date to reschedule within 14 days of the original delivery/installation date. You have the choice to proceed with the delivery and installation (staged over separate days – delivery first to a road side location or hard standing yard on payment of a delivery only cost, then installation at a later date (on payment of installation cost + travel costs) once you have your building at your chosen location). You will need to provide adequate additional labour/resource (at your expense) to
transport your building parts to the location you require for installation from the building delivery location, once the building parts are at their installation location HAYMAC will return to install your building. If you provide additional mechanical help to deliver across your field (tractor etc) it may be possible to deliver and install the same day - please contact HAYMAC to discuss this option further. Our installation team will not carry the parts of your building more than 10m from our transport to installation site or lift over any fencing. Should you fail to provide suitable access for the delivery and offload of your building our driver will return with your
building to our works and HAYMAC will arrange for a rescheduled delivery date at additional cost. See conditions 1.24, 1.18.
1.29 It is your responsibility to remove any obstructions prior to our staff arriving onsite - you may need to remove gates, gate posts, trees and vegetation or fencing to allow access to the installation site. If our staff are required to undertake any works to allow the installation to proceed due to restricted access or unsuitable installation site conditions you will be charged at a rate of £38.50 plus VAT per 30 minutes, the minimum charged will be for 30mins with additional charges made for every 30 minutes or part there-of. This additional work fee must be paid in full prior to your building being installed, you can pay any additional works fees in cash to the HAYMAC site team, by telephone using your debit card or direct payment to our company bank account – HAYMAC ENTERPRISES LTD - Sort code: 20-54-11 - Account number: 50561479. HAYMAC does not accept cheques. Failure to pay this additional work fee will result in your building not being installed, your building will be off loaded on site (if possible) and our staff will return to our works. You will be charged the full installation fee plus delivery fee for the return visit to install your building. You will not receive a refund for the original failed installation costs. If your building cannot be offloaded on site and is returned to HAYMAC you will be charged in accordance with condition 1.24.
1.30 HAYMAC accept no liability or responsibility for any consequential loss resulting from your building being unable to be collected, delivered or erected due to any and all of the above terms and conditions not being met in total.